Indian Statistical Institute : B.Stat and B.Math

Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) offers two undergraduate programs (B.Math and B.Stat) at its centres located in Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Tezpur. The Headquarters of ISI is located in the northern fringe of the metropolis of Kolkata. The descriptions of the programmes are given below. Every year ISI conducts an entrance test at its different centres. The paper is divided into two parts: Objective and Subjective consisting of 30 MCQs in the Objective section and 10 questions in the Subjective question. The standard of the questions are very high compared to other competitive exams at the 10+2 level, with a good part of the questions are of Olympiad caliber. Nonetheless preparing for ISI makes you comfortable for other exams and solving the questions set by the power house of mathematics in India (ISI) will boost your understanding and interest in mathematics and will help you develop your problem solving abilities. In this blog, I have been uploading the solved problems form the entrance exam of B.Math and B.Stat. This will help in your preparation not only for ISI but also for other exams like Chennai Mathematical Institute( CMI ),  JEE Main & Advance ( IIT ). Share your views and opinions for the improvement of the blog and also any comments for a specific problem is welcomed. Here is a link for the collection of all ISI problems posted int this blog.  "CLICK HERE"

Undergraduate Programmes:
B. Stat. (Hons.) and B. Math. (Hons.)
Did you know?

* The course has no fees. In fact, all admitted candidates get stipend of Rs. 3000/- per month and contingency grant of Rs   3000/- per annum.
* In the Admission Test, you are only tested in Mathematics!
Eligibility: 10+2 years of Higher Secondary Education (or its equivalent) with Mathematics and English as subjects of  study.
* Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) awardees of any previous year need not sit for the written  test; they would be directly called for interview.

After B Stat/B Math:
* Higher Studies in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics.
* Jobs as Statisticians in research institutions and scientific laboratories, government departments or industries.

Maths Coaching ( Tuition ) at Joth Shibrampur, Parui Mauza Sarada Park Block B ( Near Hanuman Mandir ) Kolkata, West Bengal 700141. ( 5 mins from GREENFIELD CITY ). 
CONTACT NUMBER 9038126497. 

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