Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Assessment Class X: Kumar Ashutosh Institution (Main) Boys'

Assessment Class X: Kumar Ashutosh Institution (Main) Boys' 

Mathematics Test on Monday (4th October) 4/10/2021

Full Marks: 20

Time: 40 minutes ( 11:00 am to 11:40 am )

Test Mode: Online with Google Form

All questions will be MCQ type. You need to selected the correct answers

of all the questions and submit the google form before 11:40 am 

There are 10 questions in total. Answer all the questions.

You must enter your e-mail ID, name, section and roll number in the respective fields before answering the questions.

You must positively submit the form before 11:40 am on the exam date. 

You will get the following confirmation message on submission.

You have submitted your google form successfully.

For any query contact Sumon Sen ( A.T Mathematics )


Email AddressScoreNameRoll NumberSection
son*****22@gmail.com4 / 20Nilhitbose15A
tape*****87@gmail.com12 / 20Trishanu bose16A
deypriya***0@gmail.com4 / 20Priyangshu Dey27C
monda***10@gmail.com4 / 20Sudipto Mondal22B
indro****53@gmail.com6 / 20Indrajit Biswas33A
sg****81@gmail.com6 / 20Sohan Ghosh49C
an****21@gmail.com4 / 20Dhrudip Jit46C
dasm****sree6@gmail.com18 / 20Debraj Das34A
ro***ory9@gmail.com0 / 20Rxohit43A
goutam****066@gmail.com20 / 20GOUTAM SARKAR33B
bijoy*****ar5764@gmail.com4 / 20Pallab naskar34C
nemai****i@gmail.com6 / 20Shantanu Moni5B
pra******abhuyadav575@gmail.com2 / 20Prabhu38B
debr***lder267@gmail.com4 / 20Debraj37B
ss****051@gmail.com8 / 20Sk sohel32C
bar****chin84@gmail.com4 / 20Sanjoy barui42A
malli****heb958@gmail.com6 / 20Saheb Mallick12B
ayan****nshi69@gmail.com6 / 20Ayan Rajbanshi31B
dp****105@gmail.com4 / 20Arghya paul43A
i***a@gmail.com10 / 20DEBJIT SAHA13B
sanka****ardar.ss@gmail.com4 / 20Twisampati Sardar6B
mohakg****2020@gmail.com16 / 20Mohak Ganguly4A
sriab****t257@gmsil.com18 / 20Avi Roy25A
si*****se86@gmail.com16 / 20Sayan Bose40B
kh*****manick162@gmail.com18 / 20Arnob pramanik35A
hrithik*********r086@gmail.com2 / 20Hrithik Sarkar48C
bha*****jeedwip75@gmail.com4 / 20Dwip Bhattacherjee31A
dyn***18@gmail.com18 / 20Shibam Das18B
debjitp***a344@gmail.com14 / 20Debjit panda18A
ja****akash27@gmail.com14 / 20AKASH YADAV21C
mond****s47@gmail.com2 / 20Soumya deep mondal18C
meg****otom@gmail.co10 / 20Meghabroto mondal10A
jhu****ondal@gmail.com4 / 20Aishik Mondal20A
rum****552@gmail.com16 / 20Soumyadeep Das29A
ajo***461@gmail.com6 / 20Ayendu Paul19A
ari***mpa@gmail.com16 / 20Arit Mondal28A
shi***mdas04@gmail.com12 / 20Shibram Das29C
saya****ersayanhalder9@gmail.com6 / 20Sayan Halder26A
das**40@gmail.com18 / 20Suman das37A
avis**867@gmail.com8 / 20Avishek Bose10C
swap*rmistry5@gmail.com18 / 20Subhadeep Mistry41A
subhr***armakar942@gmail.com18 / 20Subhrajeet karmakar4B
das***8691@gmail.com10 / 20Angshu Das33B
rup***tacharjee2006@gmail.com12 / 20Rupam Bhattacharjee9A
tub***89@gmail.com4 / 20Priyojit Ghosh4B
mond***hik2021@gmail.com16 / 20Aishik Mondal21A
ber***bu71@gmail.com4 / 20Subhojit Bera5C
kun***ita000@gmail.com6 / 20Soumojit kundu4C
p**087@gmail.com6 / 20Pradip mondal20C
panchen****thmajhi@gmail.com12 / 20Aditya Majhi12A
Dpr***806@gmail.com10 / 20Prem das11C
mun***39@gmail.com16 / 20Shiva jadav17A
aruppat***367@gmail.com10 / 20Arup patra3C
abhi**238@gmail.com12 / 20Abhisek yadav32A
jit***166@gmail.com12 / 20Nilanjan Das14A
ad2***76@gmail.com14 / 20ANKUR DAS10B
K**dal1086@gmail.com14 / 20Rana mondal37C
prit***as104@gmail.com10 / 20Pritam Das6C


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