Showing posts with label test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label test. Show all posts

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Assessment Class IX: Kumar Ashutosh Institution (Main) Boys'

Mathematics Test on Saturday (25/09/2021)
Full Marks: 40
Time: 1hr 45 minutes ( from 12:00 to 1:45 pm )
Test Mode: Online with Google Form
All questions will be MCQ type. You need to selected the correct answers
of all the questions and submit the google form before 1:45 pm.
All questions must be answered or else you wont be able to submit the form.
You must enter your e-mail ID, name, section and roll number in the respective fields
before answering the questions.

The link for the questions will be send on Saturday minutes before the test. 
Syllabus : Chapters 15,16,18,19,20,21


6 questions will carry 2 marks each     6 X 2 = 12
4 questions will carry 3 marks each     4 X 3 = 12
4 questions will carry 4 marks each     4 X 4 = 16 [12 +12 + 16 = 40 ]

For any query call 9038126497 ( Vinod Sir - A.T Mathematics)



Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Assessment and Solved Problems: SET THEORY -XI Science

Please go through the slides one by one and solve the questions that would appear on the slides.

Solved Problems: Set Theory - 11 Science

Assessment on set theory. Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark and has only one correct option. Please enter a valid e-mail address. If you have any query, leave your comment in the comment box. 

Class Test: 

Total time: 40 mins  ( 6 pm - 6:40 pm )                                            Full Marks: 15

Thanks for participating, those who have not given the test should clarify for the same:


11/18/2020 18:13:53saya****@gmail.com7 / 15Sayan Saha 04
11/18/2020 18:20:28deb***ari23@gmail.com6 / 15Debjit Kushari roll:- 07
11/18/2020 18:20:47sa**as6767@gmail.com9 / 15Saima das 14 A
11/18/2020 18:21:09di***g147@gmail.com5 / 15Disha Ghosh 16
11/18/2020 18:25:25dha***nk@gmail.com8 / 15Subhadeep Dhar - 05
11/18/2020 18:26:54ta****nog@gmail.com5 / 15Tamaghno Ghosh roll–3
11/18/2020 18:35:01ag****dhar@gmail.com10 / 15Ritam Dhar.ROLL NO A-2.
11/18/2020 18:36:07mistr***885@gmail.com5 / 15Jayanti Mistri 15A
11/18/2020 18:39:12shre*****47@gmail.com5 / 15Shreya majumdar.18
11/18/2020 18:39:39kau****74@gmail.com10 / 15Kaushik kundu...Roll no.-6A
11/18/2020 18:40:22tap***572@gmail.com9 / 15Meghasree Mandal -11
11/18/2020 18:41:43tap***etro@gmail.com4 / 15Tanmesh Mondal/A-17

Delayed Submission due to some technical issue:

11/18/2020 19:04:33jai***s106@gmail.com11 / 15Jaita Das

Test conducted on the request of the student:
11/19/2020 18:36:35dh****jna@gmail.com13 / 15Mourya Vedajna, 20

You can't lie to your soul.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Test Paper

Test Sheet on Infinite Series and Properties of Triangles for WBJEE,AIEEE and IIT. Chapters Included Properties of Triangles,Infinite Series,logarithmic,Exponential & Binomial.

Download here