Showing posts with label IIT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IIT. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Prove that cos pi/11 + cos 3pi/11 + cos 5pi/11 + cos 7pi/11 + cos 9pi/11...

A elegant solution for a difficult trigonometric problem using complex numbers. Many problem of trigonometry and even algebra can be beautifully solved using complex numbers. The use of different formulas from trigonometry can be avoided. #CBSE #ISC #IIT #ISI #wbjee #wbchse #jeeadvanced Prove that cos pi/11 + cos 3pi/11 + cos 5pi/11 + cos 7pi/11 + cos 9pi/11 =1/2

Integrate max { x+|x|,x-[x] } from -n to n JEE Main and Advance and Indian Statistical Institute B.Math & B.Stat

Integrate max { x+|x|,x-[x] } from -n to n Difficult Integration for JEE Main and Advance and Indian Statistical Institute Involving Limits Integration for Indian Statistical Institute B.Math & B.Stat : Integration, JEE Main and Advance, WBJEE #CBSE #ISC #wbchse #HS #jeeadvanced

Saturday, March 19, 2022


 The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board

The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) was established in 1962 by Government of West Bengal in exercise of the powers conferred under article 162 of the Constitution of India in pursuant to No. 828-Edn(T), dated 02.03.1962.

Subsequently in 2014, the Government of West Bengal enacted the West Bengal Act XIV of 2014 to form The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board and empowered it to conduct Common Entrance Examinations for selection of candidates for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate Professional, Vocational and General Degree Courses in the State of West Bengal and to conduct on-line counselling process or otherwise adopting a single-window approach.

WBJEEB has been instrumental in the admission process based on online application and allotment through e-Counselling since 2012. It advocates fairness and transparency, ensures no-error, and adopts state-of-the-art technology.

WBJEE 2022 Mathematics Syllabus




  • Algebra

  • Arithmetic Progression G.P., H.P

  • Sets, Relations and Mappings

  • Logarithms

  • Complex Numbers

  • Permutation and combination

  • Polynomial equation

  • Principle of mathematical induction

  • Matrices

  • Binomial theorem (positive integral index)

  • Statistics and Probability




Coordinate geometry of two dimensions


Coordinate geometry of three dimensions


  • Differential calculus

  • Calculus

  • Integral calculus

  • Application of Calculus

  • Differential Equations

  • Vectors

Saturday, August 29, 2020

A challenging problem from Geometry


The triangle ABC is given. Let T be circle passing through vertex A and intersecting sides AB and AC in points D and E respectively. Let T' be circle passing through vertex B and point D, intersecting side BC and the circle T in points F and T, respectively. Prove that the quadrilateral CEFT is cyclic.

For solution click here: Solution

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Solved Problems on Differentiation

Hundreds of solved problems at 10+2 level or the final year at school from the topic of differentiation. The aim of the document to help students from different boards (ISC, CBSE and other State Boards) studying at Higher Secondary level to get access to wide variety of problems, that too solved!

This should not be substituted for classroom teaching neither this documents aims to teach the theories of differentiation. Students are requested to go through the theory and the rules before looking at the problems. Any error in the document can be reported at:

First Order Differentiation, Implicit Functions, Parametric Differentiation, Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions, Second Order Differentiation, Chain Rule, Composite functions.

If you have any query, don't forget to comment below.

Click below the links to download the files:

LIMITS Solved Problems on Limits
File 1 Basic Differentiation Problems 
File 2 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
File 3 Derivatives of Parametric Equations 
File 4 Long Answer Type ( First Order Mixed Problems)
File 5 Second Order Differentiation 

More solved problems to follow. Keep visiting this space.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Term of a sequence 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4....

Can you solve this problem? In #mathematics, a #sequence is an enumerated collection of objects in which repetitions are allowed and order does matter. Like a set, it contains members (also called elements, or terms).
#PrimeMaths #Algebra

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Gergonne triangle

The Gergonne triangle of triangle ABC is defined by the three touchpoints of the incircle on the three sides. This Gergonne triangle, is also known as the contact triangle or intouch triangle of triangle ABC.


#Geometry #PrimeMaths

Powers of 2

A #Number #Theory gem based on #PigeonHole principle.
Prove that there exist two powers of 2 which differ by a multiple of 2020.
#PrimeMaths #Integers #Divisibility

More Problems for Practice:

Problem 1. Prove that of any 52 integers, two can always be found such that the difference of their squares is divisible by 100.

Problem 2. 15 boys gathered 100 nuts. Prove that some pair of buys gathered an identical number of nuts.

Problem 3. Given 11 different natural numbers, none greater than 20. Prove that two of these can be chosen, on of which divides the other.