Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Problem based on Angle bisector

If AD is the angle bisector of ∠BAC in the triangle ABC. Show that AB.AC=BD.DC+AD^2.


#Geometry #PrimeMaths #Angle #Bisectors

Monday, July 13, 2020

Simple but powerful inequality

A very simple but powerful #inequality you must know at #school level! This can be simply proved by the fact that the square of a real number is always non-negative.

incentre of Orthic Triangle:

In ∆ABC, let D, E, F denote the feet of the #altitudes from A, B and C respectively. The DEF is called the #orthic #triangle of ABC. Prove that H is the #incenter of △DEF.

Interesting Property of a Trapezium

Prove that the straight line that passes through the point of intersection of the diagonals of a trapezium and through the point of intersection of its non-parallel sides, bisects each of the parallel sides of the trapezium., pub-6701104685381436, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0