Monday, December 27, 2010

Vector Space

A collection of good problems on Vector space with moderate hints.One semester course in linear algebra is the pre-requsite

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Indian Statistical Institute B.Math (Hons.) Admission test papers

Indian Statistical Institute B.Math (Hons.) Admission test papers is available on

Monday, December 13, 2010

Maths: Relation and Functions

Maths: Relation and Functions: "Relation and Functions for AIEEE,IIT,WBJEE and other competitive exams"

Maths: Relation and Functions

Maths: Relation and Functions: "Relation and Functions for AIEEE,IIT,WBJEE and other competitive exams"

Maths: Relation and Functions

Maths: Relation and Functions: "Relation and Functions for AIEEE,IIT,WBJEE and other competitive exams"

Maths: Relation and Functions

Maths: Relation and Functions: "Relation and Functions for AIEEE,IIT,WBJEE and other competitive exams"

Maths: Relation and Functions

Maths: Relation and Functions: "Relation and Functions for AIEEE,IIT,WBJEE and other competitive exams"

Maths: Relation and Functions

Maths: Relation and Functions: "Relation and Functions for AIEEE,IIT,WBJEE and other competitive exams"

Saturday, December 11, 2010

AIEEE Mock Test Paper 2011

Get the AIEEE Mock Test Paper 2011 now! and much more click here to go to the downlaod page. Materials for CBSE,ISC,WBJEE,IIT and other exams and board are also avilable

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Problem for Entrance Exams

Download here. Practice Problem for entrance exam ISC, CBSE, WBHS, AIEEE, WBJEE, IIT and other entrance exam

Friday, October 1, 2010

"Dare To Try"

10 challenging problem for bright students its aimed for students preparing for Olympiad or Indian Statistical institute

Thursday, July 29, 2010

CBSE Maths Paper for XI

Download maths paper for XI ( CBSE ). Chapters included in this paper are Sets,Realations and Function, Trigonometry and Principle of Mathematical Induction.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Airthmetic Progression

Another free problem sheet on A.P for ISC,CBSE, HS and other state board. Click here  Dont think that the picture is irrelevant . It has got a connection with Fibonnaci Series!!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Problem sheet on Quadratic Equation for ISC,HS,WBJEE,AIEEE,IIT and other state boards and competetive exams

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Problem sheet on logarithm for ISC,HS,WBJEE,AIEEE and other state boards and competetive exam

Thursday, April 1, 2010


#CAT 2008 paper on Maths More CAT papers to come with solution join out network STUDENT'S to get all the updates

Sunday, March 28, 2010


AIEEE'09 question paper on Maths


Free mock test papers and solved problems on different topics of mathematics for different levels on Maths

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Get free ISC board papers, sample papers and lot of problems for competetive exams like AIEEE, WBJEE, IIT on Maths