Showing posts with label Calculus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calculus. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2020

Partial Differentiation: SOLVED PROBLEMS FOR College Level Students ( Engineering and Maths Major )

Solved Problem from the topic of Partial Differentiation for Mathematics Major Students and college level and engineering students. 

SET-1 Partial Differentiation ( Direct Problems ) PDF File
SET-II Chain Rule 
To be available soon.
SET-III Euler's Theorem 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Solved Problems on Differentiation

Hundreds of solved problems at 10+2 level or the final year at school from the topic of differentiation. The aim of the document to help students from different boards (ISC, CBSE and other State Boards) studying at Higher Secondary level to get access to wide variety of problems, that too solved!

This should not be substituted for classroom teaching neither this documents aims to teach the theories of differentiation. Students are requested to go through the theory and the rules before looking at the problems. Any error in the document can be reported at:

First Order Differentiation, Implicit Functions, Parametric Differentiation, Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions, Second Order Differentiation, Chain Rule, Composite functions.

If you have any query, don't forget to comment below.

Click below the links to download the files:

LIMITS Solved Problems on Limits
File 1 Basic Differentiation Problems 
File 2 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
File 3 Derivatives of Parametric Equations 
File 4 Long Answer Type ( First Order Mixed Problems)
File 5 Second Order Differentiation 

More solved problems to follow. Keep visiting this space.

Monday, October 7, 2019

A very hard integration problem! Can you solve it? ( Practice for IIT-JEE)

A very hard integration problem based on the method of substitution. It took almost an hour to figure this out! Can you solve it on your own?! This problem is well suited for students preparing for IIT-JEE.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Problem on Functional Equation

Here is a good problem of functional Equation where the form of the function is unknown and you have to find the value of the derivative of the function at some given point. What will be given is a equation which the function is satisfying along with some other values of the function or the derivatives. These type of problems are important for Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) , Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) or even IIT.
Here is the link to the problem.