Sunday, July 5, 2015

Indian Statistical Institute B.Math & B.Stat : Trigonometry

Indian Statistical Institute B.Math & B.Stat Solved Problems, Vinod Singh ~ Kolkata Find the value of the sum \( \cos \frac{2 \pi}{1000} + \cos \frac{4 \pi}{1000} + \dots + \cos \frac{1998 \pi}{1000} \). $$$$ Let \( z = \cos \frac{\pi}{1000} + i \sin \frac{\pi}{1000} = \cos \theta + i \sin \theta \) where $ \theta = \frac{\pi}{1000}$ . It is easy to see that $ z \neq 1,-1$. $$$$ Consider the sum \( 1 +z^2+z^4+ \dots + z^{1998} \), $ z \neq 1,-1$. Putting $w = z^2$ the sum reduces to \( 1 +w+w^2+ \dots + w^{999} \), $ w \neq 1 $. $$$$ Now, \( 1 +w+w^2+ \dots + w^{999} = \frac{w^{1000}-1}{w-1}\) $$$$ Substituting back $w$ we have the following identity \( 1 +z^2+z^4+ \dots + z^{1998} = \frac{z^{2000}-1}{z^2-1}\),$ z \neq 1,-1$. $$$$ Using $De-Moivre's$ theorem we have \( z^n = \cos n \theta + i \sin n \theta \) for \( n \in \mathbb{N} \). $$$$ Substituting back in the above identity we have, \( \big(1+ \cos 2 \theta + \cos 4 \theta + \dots + \cos 1998 \theta \big) + i \big(1+ \sin 2 \theta + \sin 4 \theta + \dots + \sin 1998 \theta \big) = \frac{\cos 2000 \theta + i \sin 2000 \theta -1}{\cos 2 \theta + i \sin 2 \theta -1} \) $$$$ Equating the real part from both side we have. \( 1+ \cos 2 \theta + \cos 4 \theta + \dots + \cos 1998 \theta = Re \bigg( \frac{\cos 2000 \theta + i \sin 2000 \theta -1}{\cos 2 \theta + i \sin 2 \theta -1} \bigg) = Re \bigg( \frac{\cos 2 \pi + i \sin 2 \pi -1 }{\cos 2 \theta + i \sin 2 \theta -1}\bigg) \), since $ \theta = \frac{\pi}{1000}$. $$$$ Therefore \( 1+ \cos 2 \theta + \cos 4 \theta + \dots + \cos 1998 \theta = Re (0) = 0 \implies \cos 2 \theta + \cos 4 \theta + \dots + \cos 1998 \theta = -1\). $$$$ \( \implies \cos \frac{2 \pi}{1000} + \cos \frac{4 \pi}{1000} + \dots + \cos \frac{1998 \pi}{1000} = -1 \)

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