Sunday, October 23, 2011


Problems and Notes on Coordinate Geometry for ICSE and CBSE.Click here to download
Test on Heights and Distance, Reflection and Symmetry for ICSE and CBSE
FREE  Trigonometry problems, Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Identities & Trigonometry Word Problems on

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Test Paper

Test Sheet on Infinite Series and Properties of Triangles for WBJEE,AIEEE and IIT. Chapters Included Properties of Triangles,Infinite Series,logarithmic,Exponential & Binomial.

Download here

Monday, September 19, 2011

Heights and Distance

Selected problems on heights and distance for class X (CBSE and ICSE). Click here to download
Or scan the image below with your phone camera
QR-reader is required to be installed in phone

Monday, September 5, 2011

CPT maths

Problems for CPT maths on We offer best CPT maths tuition in kolkata at nominal fee interested candidate can call us at 09038126497.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Indian Statistical Institute

I have started a new page based on Indian Statistical Institute exam for B.Stat and B. Math. Most of the problems are previous years paper of ISI, for these type of question it is difficult to get solutions I hope this section will be helpful to students. Problems for ISI and CMI

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mock Test

Mock Test on Integration and Differentiaion for WBJEE, AIEEE, ISC, CBSE, WBHS...... Download

Solved Differential Equation Problems

Solved Differential Equation Problems

30 solved  Differential Equation  Problems for Class XI-XII for ISC, CBSE, WBHS, AIEEE, IIT boards students and other boards of similar standars. Click here to downlaod for more problems visit the download page. Last 5 years problems of AIEEE and WBJEE solved on Differentail Equation( Variable Separable, Homogeneous, Linear and Second order.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Solved Trigonometric Problems

30 solved Trigonometry Problems for Class X and IX for ICSE and CBSE boards students and other boards of similar standards. Click here to downlaod for more problems visit the download page.

Another set of Solved Trigonometry Problems

Post by Maths.

For more solved and unsolved problems visit the page ( CBSE and ICSE )

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Solved Problems on Definite Integrals

Few difficult problems on Definite Integrals which I have solved partially. Click here to download These problems are important for understanding the application of the properties of the definite integrals which are commonly asked in boards and exams like IIT, AIEEE, WBJEE and other exams of same nature.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ISC Maths Specimen Paper 2012

I have published the ISC Maths Specimen Paper 2012 on my site follow the link to download it.

Solved ISC Maths Paper 2015 Download Link
Solved CBSE Maths Paper 2015 Download Link
JEE Main 2015 Solved Maths Paper Download Link
Solved Problems from entrance exams of B.Math and B.Stat conducted by ISI ( Indian Statistical Institute )

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Harder Problems on Integration for IIT,WBJEE,AIEEE

Harder Problems on Integration for IIT,WBJEE,AIEEE and other competitive exams. Click Here To Download
Mock Test Paper on Differentiation, A.P and G.P for for IIT,WBJEE,AIEEE,WBHS,CBSE,ISC,KIIT and other engineering competitive exams across India. Click Here To Download

Solved Problems:  ISI ( Indian Statistical Institute ) for the courses B.Stat and B.Math 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Model Paper

Model Paper for B.Sc Maths Hons. 1st year students from various topics like algebra,geometry and analysis  ISC Board Maths paper for the last 5 years is also available with sample papers and guess papers visit ISC maths paper for 2011,2010,2009,2008,2007 and CBSE class XII Maths paper for previous year is also available.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


CBSE Maths Sample Paper for class XII. Special care has been taken for preparing the paper, pattern and syllabus has been strictly followed. Meant for student preparing for 2012+ board exams. Download



Friday, May 6, 2011


Fact:: A determinant is a function f:M----->R where M is the set of all square matrices! It is very easy to see that the function is not injective!!
Board Problems on Determinats of CBSE and ISC class XII. Download here


Solved Maths Paper of KIITEE-2011 conducted by KIIT University for B.Tech and M.Tech Dual Degree Download
Author-Vinod Singh
Education : M.Sc Pure Mathematics'09,( Calcutta University ) First Class.
B.Sc Mathematics Honours'07,(St. Xavier's kolkata) First Class.
Special interest in Algebra, Algebraic and Analytical Number Theory,
Cryptography, Algebraic Topology and Geometry.
Best of luck!
Call us on +91-9038126497
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without written permission from the Author
Tags: MCQ, Short answer type question, solved problems, KIIT, solved paper 2011, KIITEE-2011, MATHEMATICS

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Problems for WBJEE and AIEEE

 MCQ and Short Type Questions for various topics  ( relation, functions, derivative, matrices, determinants, trigonometry, inverse, circular Co-ordinate, geometry, two-dimension, tangent, normal) Download

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Advanced Thinking Skills

Question for #ISI #IIT, #B.Math. Hons. Admission Test and Regional Mathematics #Olympiad with solutions

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Question Paper B.Sc Mathematics Hons

B.Sc Mathematics Hons. First year, Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Vector analysis, Two Dimension Geometry

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Problems for RMO, Indian Statistical Institute entrance

Few selected problems to drill your brain with ideal hints for olympiad and entrance tets of ISI in B.Math or B.Stat. courses in INDIA

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Olympiad for preparation in RMO and INMO

National Board for Higher Mathematics

Department of Atomic Energy

Government of India.

Mathematics Olympiad

Mathematics Olympiad activity on a national level has been one of the major initiatives

of NBHM (National Board for Higher Mathematics) since 1986. The activity aims to spot

mathematical talent among High School children. NBHM, with Homi Bhabha Centre for

Sciencec Education (HBCSE), also has taken on the responsibility of selecting and training

the Indian team for the International Mathematical Olympiad every year.

For the purpose of the Olympiad contests, the country has been divided in to about 25 regions.

The selection process for participation in the International Mathematical Olympiad

(IMO) consists of the following stages:

Stage 1: Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO): RMO is currently held on the

first Sunday of October each year in each of the regions in the country. The Regional coordinator

each region holds the charge of conducting RMO in the region. All school students

from Class XI are eligible to appear in RMO. Students from Class XII may also appear

in RMO, but the number of students selected from Class XII is at most 6. Exceptionally

brilliant students from lower standards may also appear for RMO subject to the approval

of the Regional Coordinator. RMO is a 3-hour written test containg 6 or 7 problems. On

the basis of the performance in RMO, students are selected for the second stage.

The Regional Coordinators may charge a nominal fee to meet the expenses in organising

the contest.

Stage 2: Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO): INMO is currently

held on the third Sunday of January each year at the regional centres in all regions. Only

those students who are selected in RMO are eligible to appear in INMO. This contest is

a 4-hour written test. The evaluation of these papers is centralised, and is undertaken by

the IMO Cell of NBHM. The top 75 contestants in INMO receive Merit Certificates.

Stage 3: International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC): The

top 30-35 INMO certificate awardees are invited to a month long training camp inMay/June

each year. The training camp is organised by HBCSE, Mumbai. The number of students

from Class XII who are selected for IMOTC is at most 6. In addition to these 35 students,

a certain number of INMO awardees of previous year(s) who have satisfactorily undergone

postal tuition over the year are also invited to a second round of training. A team of six

students is selected from the combined pool of junior and senior batch participants, based

on a number of selection tests conducted during the camp, to represent India in the International

Mathematical Olympiad.

Stage 4: International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO): The six member team selected

at the end of IMOTC, accompanied by a leader and a deputy leader represent India


at IMO, that is normally held in July each year in one of the chosen for the years IMO.

IMO consists of two 4-and-a-half hour tests held on two consecutive days. The normal

schedule between departure and return of the team takes about two weeks. The students

of Indian team who win gold, silver and bronze medals at IMO receive from NBHM a cash

prize of RS. 5000/-, Rs. 4000/- and Rs. 3000/- respectively. MHRD (Ministry of Human

Resource Development) finances international travel of the 8-member Indian delegation

to IMO, while NBHM (DAE) finances the entire in-country programme and takes care of

other expenditure connected with international participation. The six students representing

India at IMO automatically qualify for Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)

scholarship (Rs 3000/- per month and some contingency) instituted by Department of Science

and Technology, Government of India.

Syllabus for Mathematical Olympiad: The syllabus for Mathematical Olympiad (regional,

national and international) consists of pre-degree college mathematics. The difficulty

level increases from RMO to INMO to IMO. Broadly the syllabus for RMO and

INMO is: Algebra (basic set theory, principle of Mathematical Induction,inequalities (AMGM

and Cauchy-Schwarz), theory of equations (remainder theorem, relation between roots

and coefficients, symmetric expressions in roots, applications of the Fundamental theorem

of algebra and its applications), functional equations); Geometry (similarity, congruence,

concurrence, collinearity, parallelism and orthogonality, tangency, concyclicity, theorems

of Appollonius, Ceva, Menelaus and Ptolemy, special points of a triangle such as circumcentre,

in-centre, ex-centres, ortho-centre and centroid); Combinatorics (Basic counting

numbers such as factorial, number of permutations and combinations, cardinality of a

power set, problems based on induction and bijection techniques, existence problems, pigeonhole

principle); Number theory (divisibility, gcd and lcm, primes, fundamental theorem

of arithmetic (canonical factorisation), congruences, Fermat’s little theorem, Wilson’s theorem,

integer and fractional parts of a real number, Pythagorean triplets, polynomials with

integer coefficients). An idea of what is expected in mathematical olympiad can be had

from the earlier question papers (see˜ rbb/olympiads.html) and the

following books:

1. Problem Primer for Olympiads, by C R Pranesachar, B J Venkatachala and C S

Yogananda (Prism Books Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore).

2. Challenge and Thrill of Pre-College Mathematics, by V Krishnamurthy, C R Pranesachar,

K N Ranganathan and B J Venkatachala (New Age International Publishers,

New Delhi).

3. An Excursion in Mathematics, Editors: M R Modak, S A Katre and V V Acharya

(Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana, Pune).

4. Problem Solving Strategis, Arthur Engel (Springer-Verlag, Germany).

5. Functional Equations, B J Venkatachala (Prism Books Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore).

6. Mathematical Circles, Fomin and others (University Press, Hyderabad).

Reference to many other interesting books may be found in An Excursion in Mathematics.


Nurture Programme: The INMO awardees who choose Mathematics as one of the subjects

in their undergraduate studies are eligible for a scholarship by NBHM (which is at

present Rs 1500/= per month) throughout their undergraduate studies. If they further

pursue their studies to masters, they continue to get scholarship (enhanced). Even the students

who do not pursue Mathematics in their undergraduate studies are eligible for certain

benefits under a novel programme instituted by NBHM, called Nurture Programme. Under

this programme, each batch of students (selected from among the INMO awardees through

their responses to a few sets of postal problems) is assigned to an institution. The coordinator

in that institution gives out some reading material which the students can go through

during their leisure time while pursuing their undergraduate studies. At the end of each

year, during summer, they are invited to that institution for a contact programme with

working Mathematicians. Based their performance, they may be recommended to a scholarship

given by NBHM. This programme continue for four years. Thus, even those who

pursue under-graduate studies in some other discipline can still get training in Mathematics

and use it in their further pursuit of knowledge.