Saturday, June 13, 2015

Indian Statistical Institute B.Math & B.Stat : Polynomials

Indian Statistical Institute B.Math & B.Stat Solved Problems, Vinod Singh ~ Kolkata If a polynomial $P$ with integer coefficients has three distinct integer zeroes, then show that $P(n) \neq 1$ for any integer. $$$$ Let \( \alpha, \beta\) and $\gamma$ be the distinct integer zeroes of the polynomial $P$. If possible let $P(m)=1$ where $ m \in \mathbb{Z}$. Since $P \in \mathbb{Z}(x)$ we have \( \alpha - m | P(\alpha)-P(m) \implies \alpha - m | (-1) \). Similarly $\beta - m | (-1)$ and $\gamma - m | (-1)$. Since \( \alpha, \beta\) and $\gamma$ are distinct \( \alpha-m, \beta-m\) and $\gamma-m$ are distinct. This shows that \( \alpha-m, \beta-m\) and $\gamma-m$ are distinct factors of $1$, which is impossible! So the assumption that $P(m)=1$ is not tenable for any integer $m$.

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